What is Snoring?

Snoring is the sound made by vibrations of the tissue in the mouth, nose & throat. It is caused by turbulence inside the airway…
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What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by abnormal pauses in breathing or abnormally low breathing, during sleep…
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CPAP vs Oral Appliance

Treatment options for obstructive sleep apnea include oral appliances and CPAP. Oral appliances are a
cost effective…
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What is Sleep Study

A sleep study is the most accurate test for diagnosing sleep apnea in the comfort of your own home. Discover how sleep studies measure…
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Omnisleep Solutions
Omnisleep provides complete sleep disorder management from diagnosis to treatment. Omnisleep has introduced oral appliances in India for the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea. We also offer the entire range of CPAP, Auto CPAP and BiPAP machines from leading providers such as Resmed and conduct sleep studies at your home for convenience. But most importantly, we offer the best customer service to make your experience memorable.

Omnisleep offers a variety of alternative options for the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea including oral appliances like ApneaRx®, ZQuiet®, and Myerson EMA®. All of our treatment products are US FDA approved, safe and effective. Omnisleep is the exclusive provider of these solutions in India and is committed to bringing the sleep apnea treatment solutions in India at par with the western markets.

Omnisleep also offers a range of products for snoring relief. All our products are selected after extensive research to bring the best available products to India. All our products are imported directly from manufacturers in the USA and other countries around the world.

Omnisleep has exclusively partnered with several international companies that are leading the realm of snoring and sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment.

Omnisleep. Taking care of your sleep.